Congresswoman Moore, Ways & Means Democrats Introduce Bill to Reauthorize and Expand Assistance to the Trade-Impacted Workers, Businesses and Communities


Date: June 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) and Ways and Means Democrats introduced a bill, the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Modernization Act of 2021, to reauthorize and expand expiring programs assisting American workers, businesses, and communities affected by trade.

"Trade-impacted workers rely on programs like the TAA to provide temporary assistance when it's needed most. This bill would increase worker benefits and expanding worker eligibility. In this bill, I'm so proud to be leading the effort to establish a new childcare allowance for enrollees to help prevent childcare accessibility from being a barrier to taking advantage of the program's training and relocation benefits. Oftentimes, job seekers turn down opportunities for training or relocation for a good-paying job because they must turn to their families for childcare or need to take time off the job hunt to do it themselves. We must do everything we can to break down the barriers for trade-impacted parents to access this life-saving program.

My colleagues and I are also proposing major updates to other TAA programs, including expanding eligibility and streamlining TAA for Firms and replenishing funds of neglected parts of the program such as TAA for Community Colleges and TAA for Farmers. This bill would also require new outreach to historically underserved communities,"
